Deutsche Bahn

Digital transformation
for the DB of the future


The digital transformation offers fascinating possibilities for opening up new business models. Many established, but also newer companies are penetrating DB's core markets with some disruptive concepts. Responding to these developments smartly and appropriately is a major challenge. DB has recognised that it has unused potential for the development of new business models that can be exploited internally.


In the past three years, as part of the DB Group's digitalisation strategy, we set up an intrapreneurship program, where motivated employees can further develop, pilot, and explore their own business ideas under the umbrella of the Group. zero360 created the strategy concept, supported the management of the program, and has intentionally supported the individual teams in their start-up projects. By training selected, international executives in all divisions of DB Schenker AG, we have applied new methods directly to innovation projects leading to disruptive business models. In addition, we have developed a new concept for DB Rideselling for individual passenger transport following the train journey.

Outcomes and results


  • Analysing and testing of new potential business models for Deutsche Bahn
  • Identification of potential business opportunities for DB Schenker AG


  • Set up and further development of the successful DB Intrapreneurs program
  • Development of concept and case for individual passenger transport


  • Providing structured content and methods support for new business cases from brainstorming to the spinning off of a start-up
  • Support of start-ups coming from the DB Intrapreneurs program in the first phase of growth


  • Training of selected international executives of DB Schenker AG
  • Coaching of DB Management Consult employees in agile methods
"zero360 has helped us conceptualise the intrapreneurship program as well as done an excellent job coaching our team to anchor DB Intrapreneurs as a successful brand within the company and bring new business models to the streets."

Florian Meßner-Schmitt
Founder DB Intrapreneurs
Deutsche Bahn


Agile Working Methods


Business Design

Service Design


Design Thinking



User Interviews

We look forward to meeting you!