Dr. Shamim Rafat
With foresight and passion, Shamim focuses on the steady development of the team and the company. With his knowledge and wealth of experience, he inspires clients and teams alike. As a systemic coach, he accompanies leaders and executives in strategic transformation issues as well as in questions of their own attitude in the context of change processes. Shamim is also one of the proudest fathers in the city.
Beiträge von Dr. Shamim Rafat
Was ist Impact, Shamim?
Unsere neue Lead Brand & Communication, Désirée Seibel, hat den 9. Geburtstag von zero360 zum Anlass genommen, mit unserem Geschäftsführer und Gründer, Dr. Shamim Rafat, über die Bedeutung und Herausforderungen von Impact für Unternehmen zu sprechen. In diesem ersten Teil des Interviews steigen wir in ein Thema ein, das heute aktueller ist, denn je, weshalb […]